Grain Free Honey Coconut Granola

Grain Free Honey Coconut Granola

I am always on the hunt for yummy and healthy breakfast recipes. I could eat eggs every day all day but my girls like a little variety. And sugar filled cereal just isn't an option in our house. But this, THIS is the perfect crunchy, sweet cereal to enjoy in the mornings with cold almond milk or to add some crunch to your favorite smoothie bowl recipe. 

I got this recipe inspiration from the Against All Grain cookbook. I absolutely love all of her recipes but sometimes they are more tedious, time-consuming steps and ain't no body have time for that! ;) So I decided to skip this or that step and my granola still turned out delicious. Both girls loved it and I kept hearing "more, more" from little miss Iylee. I had a lot of questions when I posted about this recipe in my IG stories {connect with me here!} so I wanted to share it with you all so you can see just how easy this recipe is!

If you are in a breakfast rut this is the perfect way to start your morning. It's also great for on the go snack.

Just make sure that you watch the granola closely towards the end. The honey can burn and mine may have gotten just slightly over cooked but was still super delish.

Grain Free Honey Coconut Granola

Grain Free Honey Coconut Granola


1 cup raw almonds

1 cup raw walnuts

1 cup cashews 

1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds

1 teaspoon sea salt 

1/4 cup melted honey or maple syrup

2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted  

1 1/2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract 

1 tablespoon cinnamon

1/2 cup unsweetened coconut 

Grain Free Honey Coconut Granola bowl


1. Preheat oven to 325. 

2. In a food processor, pulse nuts and seeds until they are the size of oats. Add the honey, coconut oil, vanilla, cinnamon, and remaining salt. Pulse until combined. 

3. Pour mixture into a bowl, add the coconut, and use a spoon to mix in. Spread granola on a baking sheet, spread evenly in a thin layer. {You may need more than one pan for this}

4. Bake for 10 minutes. Take out of the oven to mix and stir granola. Bake for another 8-10 minutes, watch closely. 


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