All or Nothing Mindset

Click the play button below to learn how this common mindset can prevent you from reaching your goals.


Can I let you in on a little secret? Your mindset matters when it comes to anything related to health and nutrition. It’s often overlooked which is why so many struggle to make lasting changes. They only look at the exercise or nutrition part but rarely at their mindset and the way they look at nutrition and food. 

But if we don’t shift our mindset and throw away our old thinking nothing will truly change. That’s why it’s just as important to work on our mindset as it is to go to the gym or prep healthy snacks for the week.

Here’s one quick mindset shift you can practically work on right now...and most of us have struggled with this one because it’s so ingrained into us by diet culture. 

Ready for it?! The all or nothing mindset. 

It’s the thought that you have to be perfect in your nutrition and workouts and if you “slip up” then you have completely failed. It allows no grace and it’s crippling because life happens. 

Maybe you can start a diet, but then you end up having something “off plan” think well all is lost and you end up completely binging or eating fast food instead of the healthy lunch you packed because everything is messed up. And you tell yourself you will start again on Monday, but we all know that probably won’t happen or if it’ll repeat the same vicious cycle. 

What can you do instead of just giving up? Start fresh with the very next snack or meal. What you do after a “slip up” is more important than the slip up itself. Because instead of just quitting you move forward and make progress. You begin to see that creating a healthy lifestyle is a aren’t off or on a’s a way of life and it’s not going to be perfect. 

Making this simple (but hard) mindset shift will change everything for you in your journey towards living a healthier life and making lasting changes. No more all or nothing mentality and constantly starting over. You just move on and continue making better choices that will help you reach your goals.


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