Life Well Lived Blog

nutrition Kara Swanson nutrition Kara Swanson

How to Pick a Supplement

Expensive urine… that’s what I often hear nutrition experts call supplements (Or the result of taking supplements to be more accurate). On the other hand, you have everyone from doctors to influencers saying they’re an essential ingredient for health.

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gut health Kara Swanson gut health Kara Swanson

Understanding Your Gut Bacteria

Discover the universe within you in this in-depth exploration of gut bacteria. Learn about the trillions of microorganisms in your gut, their crucial role in health, and tips to maintain a balanced, healthy microbiota. Explore diet, lifestyle, and probiotics for gut health.

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Kara Swanson Kara Swanson

The Impact of Inflammation on Your Energy

Do you frequently have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning? Do you often find yourself hitting a wall whether it’s mid-morning or mid-afternoon? Does it seem like you're constantly running on empty, no matter how many cups of coffee you guzzle? 

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inflammation Kara Swanson inflammation Kara Swanson

Epigenetics and Inflammation: The Surprising Impact of Your Lifestyle Choices on Genetic Expression

Have you ever wondered how your daily choices might affect your genetics? Maybe you’ve heard the expression, “Your genes load the gun, and your lifestyle pulls the trigger.” There’s a lot of truth behind it. Thankfully your genetics don't determine your destiny. Your lifestyle does that. It all has to do with the fascinating topic epigenetics.

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