Life Well Lived Blog
How to Balance Your Hormones: 6 Things Women Commonly Overlook
Do you experience depression, fatigue, high cholesterol, or even numbness in your hands? If so, you may have a hormonal imbalance.
How to Reduce the Symptoms of Menopause
Menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life and is a normal part of aging. While it’s certainly is a time of change, there’s a lot you can do to keep the symptoms from becoming more serious. So, in this post, I’m going to explain the stages of menopause and also provide 14 natural things you can do to reduce the symptoms associated with menopause.
How to Overcome the All-or-Nothing Mindset
There’s a particular mindset that will always prevent you from reaching your goals if you don’t take care of it. I’m talking about the all-or-nothing mindset.
Can Nutrition Affect Your Anxiety?
When it comes to what affects anxiety we often think of genetics, sleep, life events, and our general predisposition to stress. Other than sleep, we think about factors mostly outside of our control. But what if there was another major factor we could control, like nutrition?
How Small Steps Lead to Big Success
We live in a world of microwaves and fast food delivery. When we set our minds to something we want it now. We don’t want to deal with the small steps in between our current state and the goal we have in mind.
6 Unorthodox Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout
I realize that not everyone enjoys working out. And even for those of us who do, there are days you just don’t want to. So, what do you do if you don’t want to work out? Today, I’m going to give you six ways to motivate yourself to workout.
How to Schedule Motivation
Motivation is a tricky thing. You might get motivated after listening to a good song, or maybe after hearing some good news, or maybe you just wake up feeling great.
Don't Waste Time on New Year's Resolutions
It may sound harsh to call your new year resolutions a waste of time. After all, it’s exciting to set expectations for the year ahead. Instead of making another inconsequential resolution, I’m going to give you six things to help you achieve your goals this year!
5 Ways to Make a Resolution That Actually Lasts
Learn 5 steps to implement to make your resolutions last.
Mindfulness Meditation for Moms
You’re a busy mom with a thousand things on your mind. But in as little as one minute you can begin to experience the benefits of mindfulness. Read this post to discover the benefits a mom can get from mindfulness meditation.
Gratitude and Perspective: 17 Years Post-Transplant
Seventeen years ago on August 26th, 2003 my life was forever changed. If that sounds dramatic it’s for good reason. The night before I received a phone call. On the other end, a voice told me they had a liver waiting for me.
How to Develop Mental Toughness During Uncertainty
What do you think of when you hear the words “mental toughness?”
You might imagine a military cadet crawling through the muck underneath lines of barbwire. Or maybe you think of a mother rising early in the morning to serve her family after being up all night with the baby.
The Unsexy Thing About Habits: How to Develop Healthy Habits
Habits aren’t flashy. There’s nothing inspirational about the repetition of the same task.
But habits are powerful! And let me tell you why.