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Jim Rohn, the author and motivational speaker once said that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. That means their habits rub off on you. So guess what, if the people you’re hanging out with eat crap, you will be more likely to eat crap as they do.
The number one thing the ladies in my challenges credit their success to is community and accountability. When we are surrounded by other like-minded people who are holding us accountable we are far more likely to succeed in reaching our goals.
Motivation comes and goes – you simply can’t count on it. Every dieter starts with the best intention: they’re going to stick to their diet so they can fit into that dress or look great in a bikini on vacation. But then they get tired of eating the same strict diet or they succumb to a stressful season of life, eat off plan, and throw in the towel.
Aside from the fact that diets don’t work, when you don’t have someone cheering you along the way, you will undoubtedly fall short.
So whatever your health and nutrition goal may be, you’re obviously going to be inspired to reach your goal at the beginning. You want to look better, feel better.
So, let’s say you want to get in better cardio shape.
Let’s paint two different scenarios:
In scenario 1: you attempt to do it on your own. You start, and you start strong. You even develop some consistency running 5 days your first and second week.
Week three you’re doing pretty well, but you have a late-night dinner with friends on Thursday. And Friday morning rolls around and you hit snooze a few times and by the time you wake up you just don’t have time to get that jog in. No worries though – it’s just one day missed.
The next week you miss two days because of a couple social events.
The fifth week you catch a cold and only get one run in on Friday morning after your cold finally clears up.
In the sixth week, you just feel sluggish and decide to give yourself a break. You tell yourself you start back the following week.
But the next week comes and sleeping in sounds so much better than waking up to sweat. You tell yourself that maybe you’ll start working out at night. But the evening comes and you don’t have the energy to run and you really just want to watch Netflix or spend time with friends.
Before you’ve even realized it, your motivation to get into shape has faded away.
Now, let’s look at scenario 2: Same goal, but in this scenario, you have a group of friends who’ve committed to reaching the same goal.
Week one and two go great.
And then week three roles around. You still have a late-night dinner with friends on Thursday. But before the idea of hitting snooze the following morning is even a possibility, your friend messages you to make sure you’re still going to get your morning run in.
The two social events you have the following week also don’t create a problem in reaching your goal because you don’t want to disappoint the community you’re in.
And when you catch that cold, you have a support group who are there to make sure you get back to work on your goal as soon as you’ve recovered.
The past three videos we’ve talked about correcting your mindset towards nutrition, we uncovered how you can learn to actually enjoy eating healthier foods, and just now we talked about the importance of being a part of a like-minded community to help you stay motivated towards your goals.
Are you ready to put it all together?