No more dieting or feeling deprived.
The step-by-step roadmap to naturally eliminate inflammation and lose weight sustainably.
You shouldn’t have to rely on prepackaged meals, shakes, calorie counting, or diets to get the results you want.
They might provide temporary results, but they don’t resolve the deeper issue – and they don’t provide lasting results.
But the truth is…
You don’t have to feel deprived to get amazing results!
You may have a couple puzzle pieces… but you need the rest of them.
Most people believe they know what to do. But then they’re frustrated when they can’t get the results they want.
The diet industry provides part of the information so you keep coming back – and you stay stuck.
But when I give you the rest of the pieces, you go from stuck to thriving!
You get results without feeling deprived.
You learn how to make results last.
This is the roadmap I share with everyone I work with.
This roadmap has allowed me to finally get the results I wanted. It allowed my husband to eat gluten again and overcome life-altering joint pain.
It also leads to:
Sustainable weight loss
Reduced inflammation
A healthy relationship with food
(You can have your cake and eat it too!)
I’m so excited to share it with you.
I take a different approach than the other “health coaches” or programs out there…
1. I say “no” to dieting.
Diets might provide short-term results, but they deprive you of essential nutrients. They don’t get to the deeper issue. They don’t show you HOW to make it last – in fact, over 95% of diets fail. And in the end, you’re more frustrated and worse off than when you started.
2. It needs to work for you and your family.
I believe in Trickle-Down-Nutrition. If you’re going to have long-term success then what you’re doing needs to work for you and your family. If your family can’t get behind it, it’s only a matter of time before you quit.
3. I don’t sugarcoat it.
There are no magic pills. You have to be willing to implement the step-by-step roadmap.
This is my story of how I implemented the Roadmap:
Before I learned what I now know I tried every diet and trick in the book. At one point, I was so desperate to see results, I was living on Diet Coke and an apple.
Then I developed a love for running. It was my favorite way to clear my head. But it became more than that… it became a way to burn off calories.
Then I starved myself, counting every calorie and macro to achieve my target weight. Each attempt went the same way: I’d be hopeful at the beginning and end up discouraged.
I was frustrated. I couldn’t lose weight. I lived with constant joint pain. And I was tired of relying on willpower whenever I was around food I wanted to enjoy.
I could only deny myself for so long before I caved and binged on all the things I’d been depriving myself of.
I decided enough was enough. And I went searching for answers.
The few pieces of the puzzle I had weren’t cutting it. I wanted the rest of them. I wanted to know how to achieve the results I wanted – weight loss, more energy, reduced inflammation – I knew there had to be a better way…
And I found it! It’s allowed me to lose the weight I had been unable to before. But more than that, my skin cleared, my hormones became balanced, and I had (and still do) more energy than I did in high school or college!
It’s affected my husband in an amazing way as well.
My husband had a liver transplant at age 16. He has routine blood work each month to track his numbers.
He also had severe inflammation. His joint pain often kept him from exercising or riding in a plane or car for any length of time because of the pain it caused in his knees. He also had a gluten intolerance that became so bad it landed him in the hospital for 7 days. He often missed work due to gluten reactions.
We did what we could (like removing gluten from his diet). And it helped. But it didn’t do anything for his joint pain. But we implemented this roadmap in his life and it made all the difference.
After implementing it, his doctor asked what he was doing because of the improvement in his bloodwork. He even said, “Between the two of us in this exam room, it looks like you should be the one doing the exam.”
His joint pain went away. And his gut health cleared up – he can even eat regular, non-gluten-free bread now. (Before, the smallest trace of gluten led to flu-like symptoms for 24 hours.)
You can get these results too.
Feeling crummy and deprived doesn’t have to be part of your life.
Maybe your mom and grandma lived with the effects of inflammation, so you believe you have to as well. Or you just assume it’s part of aging, so there’s little you can do beyond taking OTC medication to relieve your joint pain. The inability to lose weight and feelings of fatigue are part of getting older.
But I’m so excited to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way! I’ve had the opportunity to show hundreds of women how to feel good without feeling deprived (no matter their age). I’m so glad you found me.
But readiness isn’t a feeling. You have to be willing to take the first step.