6 Secrets the Fat Loss Industry Won’t Tell You

What they don’t want you to know, but what you’re about to discover!

Diets and pills and shakes, oh my!

The diet industry does everything they can to keep you coming back for more. It seems they come up with a new diet or product every day.

But in the end they’re amazing promises turn out to be empty lies. As soon as the diet ends or you begin eating something other than their pre-packaged meals, you lose everything you’ve worked for.

That’s because it’s all based on you staying in the dark.

But guess what, friend – that’s about to change.

I’m going to give you the six secrets the fat loss industry doesn’t want you to know. These tips are POWERFUL! They’re going to help achieve your goal – whether that’s to lose 10 pounds, 50 pounds, or more – without dieting or fat loss products.

Are you ready for the truth?

Secret #1

The industry purposefully prevents you from creating a habit.


We all have habits. And they’re powerful – they can be our greatest helper or our heaviest burden. And if you take a step back right now you’ll see that up to 95% of what you do is based on habits. 


Habits are key to making any changes. A habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and something that occurs subconsciously. 

Habits take the guesswork out of what you’re doing and make life easier. You don’t have to think about brushing your teeth, you just do it. But when you first started each of these things you had to think about it until they became a habit.

Habits don’t suck mental energy from us because we just automatically do them. That’s why creating a habit can seem hard and take so much work in the beginning. At first, you will use more energy to create and stabilize a habit but in time it becomes automatic and that’s when the beauty of creating a habit pays off. 

But how can you get rid of bad habits and make new healthy habits? 

How to Replace Bad Habits With Good Habits

We all want to make changes and live a life well lived. But how can we do that? 

There are so many techniques and ways to create a habit. One thing is key though when creating a habit: consistency. Habit formation thrives when you become consistent. Doing it day in and day out so it becomes a part of your everyday routine. 

Now take a look at a habit in your own life that you want to change. Maybe it’s mindless snacking in the afternoon. Or going to the drive-thru too often.

Whatever it is. Write it down on a piece of paper.

Now, often times when people want to change a habit they stop there and just make a broad statement like, “I’m going to work out more” or “I’m going to stop eating so much fast food.”

But those statements present a problem: there’s no way to assess them and they aren’t specific.

So under your mail goal, write down three ways you will achieve it. 

If your main goal is “I’m going to stop eating so much fast food”...under it you could write: 

  1. On Sundays, I’m going to prep some meals to have for the week.

  2. I will only get fast food one day a week (get specific though...what day?).

  3. I will bring a snack with me so I’m not overly hungry on the way home and tempted to stop for fast food. 

Do you see how getting specific will help you stop a bad habit and then create a new one too? And the action item of “I will only get fast food one day a week” will help you be able to assess how you did at the end of the week. 

Secret #2

The diet industry keeps you in a diet cycle so you never truly reach your goals.


Nutrition is the most important part of our health.

If you didn’t know this already, diets don’t work. This might be news to some of you. And you may be saying, “But wait, I did a diet 2 years ago and lost 25 lbs!” And my question to you is, how much did you gain back and why aren’t you still on this diet? It wasn’t a long term, sustainable way of living. Sure, you may lose weight but at what cost and the results you got didn’t last long term. 

Diets are depriving and make all these claims and promises but don’t actually end up giving you the results you want. Or they do but as soon as you are off the pill, shake, special food, supplements, or you start eating “normal” again you gain it right back. And the worst part is that studies show you usually gain back even more weight than you started with. 

All while leaving you feeling like you failed. 


But I’m here to tell you that you didn’t fail. The diet failed you. When food is treated as the villain you develop an unhealthy relationship with it.

Eliminate the Stress of Eating

I want you to fall in love with food. I want you to not stress, worry, or be afraid about what you’re eating. So how do you do that? You already know mindset plays a big part and the role habits play but nutrition is key. So here’s a little secret.

Keep nutrition simple. 

Go back to the basics. After countless hours of research and studying the different varieties of diets, we’ve found the healthiest, most effective way to eat for everyone was incredibly easy and simple.

Want to know what it is?

It’s eating more whole foods and less processed foods. Anything you can think of that grows from plants including vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and fruits.

If you think about it this makes sense! Of course, these are healthy for us.Whole foods contain the key nutrients our bodies need without any of the junk found in processed foods. Your body can easily process these foods and knows what to do with them! 

So, if you want to achieve results – shed unwanted inches, have more energy, sleep better – then forget about the prepackaged meals, pills, and diets. Instead, focus on eating more whole foods. The more whole foods you eat the less room you will have for processed junk. Plus, whole plant based foods will fuel your body rather than causing it to work overtime to undo the harmful effects of processed foods.

So stop overthinking it – keep your nutrition simple!

Here are a few ways to help you start eating more whole foods: 

  • Add veggies to every meal: throw a handful of spinach in your smoothie, have some raw carrots for lunch, and steamed broccoli for dinner.

  • Instead of a processed snack grab some veggies and hummus or apple + almond butter. Or my personal favorite right now: apple slices with date pieces on top. 

  • Add chickpeas to your salad for fiber + protein.

  • Make a smoothie bowl for breakfast. 

  • Grab a handful of nuts for a snack or use as a salad topping

  • Popcorn is a whole grain so when you’re feeling something crunchy air pop your own popcorn. 

You can see how the possibilities are endless. 

And when you start eating this way your taste buds will change and you’ll start to crave these foods. Fruits will be sweeter and veggies will come to life. It takes time. Stay patient. Commit to adding more whole foods into your diet and you’ll quickly notice the benefits. 

Secret #3

The diet industry keeps you stuck in the all-or-nothing mindset.


Your mindset plays the most important role in changing your life. 

So, if you don’t change your mindset about nutrition and eliminate inaccurate information you can’t make the changes you’re hoping for. You’ll just fall back into your old way of thinking. 

One mindset that is killing your goals and keeping you from making lasting changes is the “all-or-nothing” mindset. 


This mindset is ingrained in us by diet culture and it crushes us mentally and physically.

It’s this idea that we have to be perfect or else we’ve completely failed.

But ladies, this is such a bad mentality! One cookie did not ruin anything! When we think like this it ruins our chances of ever making changes because we are just constantly on and off a diet and just continue the same vicious cycle. 

When you get off track or are struggling with this mindset learn to pivot and keep yourself from spiraling. You can do this practically by choosing to do one thing that’s a step forward the next chance you get. 

Here are some ways to help you pivot when you’re tempted to succumb to the all-or-nothing mindset. 

  • Drink a glass of water

  • Eat an apple or veggies next snack

  • Go for a walk

  • Take the stairs

  • Practice gratitude

Add in your own! I want you to determine what you could do differently in your own life the next time you’re tempted to fall into the all or nothing trap. 

Secret #4

The diet industry prevents you from making lasting changes.


This tip builds upon the habits we previously talked about. Creating a healthy lifestyle is all about consistently doing the same healthy habits over and over.

And that’s where starting small comes into play. One of the reasons diets fail and why you haven’t been able to reach your goals is that you try to change too much too fast. You get overwhelmed and then quit. The all-or-nothing mindset definitely plays into this as well! That’s why starting small will lead to long term success. You can lay a foundation and build upon it.

Start small.png

Here’s the thing: If you live on processed foods and never workout how successful do you think you’ll be changing to an all whole foods diet and working out every day? Very unlikely that you will be successful, right? That’s because you are trying to change too much too fast.

It’s okay to start small. You don’t have to change every single area in your life to start creating healthy habits. In fact, when you start small and continually add healthier habits in you’ll be more likely to stick with the changes. 

Small changes add up, and over time lead to massive results. And bonus: they become LASTING results. Which is what we all want! To end the vicious cycle of starting and stopping and to finally create some changes that last. 

Secret #5

The diet industry doesn’t want you to know that fiber leads to fat loss.


Unfortunately, most people do not get the recommended amount of fiber. In fact, only 3% eat enough fiber every day which is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. Isn’t that crazy?!

If I could only give one piece of weight loss advice it would be to eat more fiber (30+ grams) from whole foods.

Why? Because it’s the best kept secret for fat loss!

Six Ways Fiber Helps You Lose Weight


1. Keeps you regular

Yep. it makes you poop. I went there. And I’m sure this one isn’t new news to you. But if it is and you’re struggling with being regular adding as little as a quarter cup of beans can promote regularity.  And don’t overlook this simple weight loss function: whatever ends up in the stool doesn’t have a chance to end up on your hips or belly.

2. Adds bulk to your food without the added calories

Fiber has zero calories and is indigestible so it adds bulk to food without added extra calories. So you can eat less but feel full. Or eat more without adding more calories. However, you want to look at it. 

3. It’s satiating

Foods that contain fiber are also more satiating. Fiber-rich foods require more chewing, slowing down your eating rate, which itself can improve satiety.

4. Prevents your body from absorbing calories

When food passes through our body along with fiber our body doesn’t absorb as many of the calories. Fiber-rich food creates a gel that surrounds food as it passes through the intestine. Your body is unable to absorb the fiber itself. So, it’s not necessarily what you eat but what you absorb!

You can lose more weight on a high fiber diet eating the exact same number of calories simply because some of those calories get trapped and never make it into your system.

5. Blocks fat

Fiber has been shown to act as a fat and starch blocker too.

6. Feeds your gut flora

Our gut flora (a.k.a. the forgotten organ) thrives on fiber and plays a key role in regulating our appetites, metabolism, and body fat.

Secret #6

The diet industry is telling the lie that a calorie is just a calorie.


Calorie density isn’t something we talk about a lot in the nutrition world. Calorie dense foods have more calories per serving. So think of it as: 

Calorie dense = more calories 

Stomachfuls Chart.png

Our goal is to eat foods with less calorie density.

Why is that? 

Because, on average, those who eat more low calorie dense foods consume fewer calories, yet they eat significantly more food, about three-quarters of a pound more a day. Most weight-loss diets focus on decreasing portion size, but we know “eat less” approaches can leave people feeling hungry and unsatisfied. 

So you can essentially eat a lot of foods that aren’t calorie-dense and still lose weight.

In fact, you could eat 100 cups of sliced zucchini a day and still lose weight. 

Cucumbers contain so little calories you’d have to eat more than 150 cups a day to gain weight. Or take kale as another example. You’d have to consume more than 250 cups of chopped kale. You just couldn’t do it. 

That’s the magic of non-starchy vegetables and fruit. You could be completely stuffed with fresh fruit three times a day and still lose weight because they’re mostly water and air. An apple, for example, is 85 percent water by weight and 20 percent air by volume (and that’s why you can bob for them on Halloween).

Are you ready to lose weight and have a healthy relationship with food?

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