Daily Water Intake Calculator
Have you ever wondered just how much water you should drink each day?
Maybe you’re left wondering, “Is 8 glasses of water enough for me?”
With my Daily Water Intake Calculator you can find out exactly how much water YOU (not someone else) should be drinking each day.
Your Daily Water Intake Calculation
*Enter your email to see your calculation.
Daily Water Intake Calculator
# of ounces per day
# of glasses per day
Info provided by usgs.gov
Unfortunately, too many of us don’t consume enough water each day. A glass of water in the morning followed by a few sips at lunch and dinner just isn’t enough. But that’s about how much water the average person consumes each day.
I promise that when you start drinking the recommended amount of water each day (as shown in the calculator above), you will notice a difference. You will see a difference in the way you think and feel and your complexion will even improve.
So, how much water does the calculator say you should be drinking each day? I challenge you to start drinking that amount of water today. It may sound like a lot, but your body will thank you. After all, our bodies are made of over 60% water.
At least 60% of the adult human body is made of water. But did you know that on any given day you lose 64 ounces of water through perspiration (16 ounces from your feet alone)?
Unless you're working out, most of this perspiration goes unnoticed. But our body is constantly regulating its temperature through sweat. Even when you're sitting in a chair, typing on your computer, your body is still maintaining a healthy core temperature.
How much water should you drink each day?
The recommended water consumption can vary based on age, weight, sex, activity level, and the climate you live in. But if you need a general guide to follow, women should drink 90 ounces (11 cups) of fluids per day and men should drink 125 ounces (16 cups) per day.
But if you want to get specific, there’s a pretty simple way to figure out the exact amount of water you should be drinking each day. Multiply your weight by ⅔ then consider your activity level. You should add 12 ounces of water to your daily intake for every 30 minutes of exercise (as noted in the second calculator).
Better yes, fill out the above water intake calculation and you will know exactly how much water you (not someone else) should be drinking each day. No math required!
I frequently tell my clients that in addition to getting enough sleep drinking water is one of the simplest things you can do for your health. And now that you know how much water to drink each day, let me tell you about the amazing benefits of water.
What are the benefits of drinking water?
This inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless substance, provides countless benefits. But here are sixteen benefits of drinking water.
Here’s a quick overview of the benefits of staying hydrated (read on to see a detailed explanation of these benefits):
1. Water increases brain power and provides energy
2. Promotes healthy weight management and weight loss
3. Flushes out toxins
4. Improves your complexion
5. Maintains regularity
6. Boosts your immune system
7. Prevents headaches
8. Prevents cramps and sprains
9. Helps regulate your body temperature
10. Prevents backaches
11. Improves your heart health
12. Prevents bad breath
13. Can take the edge off a hangover
14. Puts you in a better mood
15. Helps you wake up in the morning
16. Prevents kidney stones
1. Water increases brain power and provides energy
Whenever you feel your mental performance lacking, drink some water instead of reaching for caffeine.
One of water’s many benefits is an increase in brain power. Since your brain is made of 73% water, drinking it helps you think, focus, concentrate, and stay alert. As a result, your energy levels also improve.
According to research, it doesn't take much to feel the impact of dehydration. "Being dehydrated by just 2% impairs performance in tasks that require attention, psychomotor, and immediate memory skills, as well as assessment of the subjective state."
BSX Technologies lists four ways dehydration affects your brain:
1. Dehydration affects your mood.
2. Dehydration reduces your cognitive and motor skills.
3. Dehydration makes you more sensitive to pain.
4. Dehydration affects your memory.
If you begin to feel these dehydration symptoms, grab a glass of water.
2. Promotes healthy weight management and weight loss
Your brain isn't the only part of your body to feel the positive impact of good hydration.
Water aids in the removal of fat by-products and also help you feel fuller. It not only acts as a natural appetite suppressant, but can also improve your metabolism.
Research on water's impact on metabolic function is ongoing. But one thing is certain – you’re less likely to gain weight if you’re filling up on a couple glasses of water instead of a basket of bread before the meal.
3. Flushes out toxins
You’ve probably heard the expression, “sweat it out.” Water consumption helps your body flush out waste through sweat and urination. This also prevents kidney stones and protects you from urinary tract infections.
Your body is able to naturally detoxify through the use of its lungs, liver, and kidneys. But sometimes we give it more than it can handle (i.e. holiday eating marathons or a few too many drinks over the weekend).
Consider toxins the boats floating through your body. Water is the river that floats those toxins out. Don't let the water level drop or the toxins make get stuck and cause harm.
4. Improves your complexion
It's understandable that if your body is composed of 60% water, dehydration will harm your skin.
As UW Health points out, your skin is an organ. And water is important for organ function. "If your skin is not getting a sufficient amount of water, the lack of hydration will present itself by turning your skin dry, tight, and flaky. Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling."
Drinking water is great for your skin. It helps to moisturize it, keep it soft, and removes wrinkles.
5. Maintains regularity
Being regular is the result of a healthy digestive system. And drinking water helps your body digest everything you eat.
According to Mayo Clinic, water helps break down food (so that your body can absorb the nutrients) and prevents constipation.
6. Boosts your immune system
Want to know the easiest way to stay healthy during the cold and flu season? Drink more water!
One of the most commonly overlooked benefits of drinking water is a healthy immune system. And drinking water has been directly related to a stronger immune system.
According to Fit Day, water strengthens your immune system in two ways: First, it carries oxygen to your body's cells, which results in properly functioning systems. And secondly (see the third point mentioned), it flushes harmful toxins from your body.
Water has also been shown to reduce the risk of bladder cancer by rapidly flushing toxins from your bladder.
7. Prevents headaches
One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is headaches. Water is important for brain function. In addition to increasing brain power, drinking water also helps prevent and relieve headaches often caused by dehydration.
Medical News Today explains that a dehydration headache occurs when your body loses essential fluids to function properly. Dehydration can cause the brain to temporarily shrink from fluid loss. This mechanism causes the brain to pull away from the skull, causing pain and resulting in a dehydration headache.
8. Prevents cramps and sprains
It’s no secret that dehydration leads to cramping. But did you know that hydrated muscles are also less prone to sprains?
Water acts as a natural lubricant for your muscles and joints. Develop healthy hydration and you’ll be more flexible, less likely to experience sprained ankles, and less likely to be sore after that next killer workout.
9. Helps regulate your body temperature
One of the more well-known benefits of water is the way it replenishes your body's cooling system source – sweat.
Sweat is the natural cooling system of your body. And since water is a key ingredient of your sweat, your body needs enough water to properly regulate your body’s temperature through perspiration.
10. Prevents backaches
Dehydration is often an overlooked cause of back pain.
The bones of your vertebrae are supported by discs. And the central nucleus of each disc is made of water. A lack of water can compromise these discs leading to back pain.
11. Improves your heart health
Research has shown a link between coronary heart disease and water consumption. Water maintains the proper viscosity of blood and plasma and fibrinogen distribution.
12. Prevents bad breath
Bad breath is often a clear sign of dehydration. In addition to your diet, dehydration can also cause bad breath.
Drinking a sufficient amount of water washes away leftover food particles and oral bacteria that lead to bad breath.
13. Can take the edge off a hangover
Instead of being reactive the next morning, take a proactive approach next time you drink alcohol. Alcohol consumption causes dehydration, which can lead to a hangover.
The unforgiving consequences of alcohol can be prevented by simply drinking a glass of water with each alcoholic beverage.
14. Puts you in a better mood
Just as a well-oiled engine runs at top performance, so your body will also work better when properly hydrated. And when your internal systems and organs are running better, you’re more likely to feel better about yourself. In turn, you’re more likely to be in a good mood!
15. Helps you wake up in the morning
A cold glass of water first thing in the morning can serve as a great wake up! It makes sense since water has been shown to improve mental performance and our brain can have a hard time getting going when we wake up. Studies have shown both and improvement in cognitive function with good hydration and a deterioration with dehydration.
Start your morning with a glass of water and you be hydrated and more alert.
16. Prevents kidney stones
Kidney stones have little to do with genetics, but a lot to do with self-fluid management – i.e. hydration! If you’ve ever suffered from kidney stones it’s not something you want to experience again. Do yourself a favor and fill out the calculators above to know how much water you should consume each day.
How do you consume enough water each day?
To start, make sure you know how much water you should be drinking each day. It's hard to set a goal if you don't know your target.
As we previously discussed, to figure out how much water you should be drinking multiply your weight by ⅔ then consider your activity level. Be sure to add 12 ounces of water to your daily intake for every 30 minutes of exercise.
Here are five ways you can reach your daily water intake goal:
1. Drink 2 cups (16 OZ) and 1 cup at night (8 OZ)
Many people find drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning to be the best way to wake up. It’s also a great way to jumpstart your metabolism. Drink one glass (16 oz) of water when you wake up and another 8 oz glass before going to bed each night. This will add another 24 ounces of water to your daily intake. Keep a glass next to your bed to prevent you from forgetting.
2. Drink 2 cups (16 OZ) of water before each meal
Studies have shown that drinking 2 cups of water before each meal causes you to eat less (you’ll feel fuller faster) and indirectly lose weight. If you do this with each major meal you’ll automatically consume 48 ounces of water.
3. Add flavor to your water
Water can get boring after awhile. But try infusing your water with fruit, herbs, and other flavors to take your plain old water to a new level. Checkout our infused water recipes to get some ideas.
4. Keep track with your bottle
One of the easiest ways to track your water intake is to track the number of times you fill your water bottle. Take your answer from below and divide by 25 – this is how many Elemental Water Bottles you should consume each day.
5. Take a drink at the break
If you’re still having a hard time consuming the recommended amount of water each day, then consider taking a big gulp of water at regular intervals. For example: When you’re reading a book, take a drink at the end of each chapter. And if you’re watching television, take a sip at the commercial. Or have fun and make your own drinking game... just exchange the alcohol with water.
Here’s to a more hydrated and healthier you!