Learn how to naturally balance your hormones so you can boost your metabolism and feel amazing!

Do you feel like...
• Your metabolism continues to slow with age causing weight gain?
• Pregnancy threw everything off and you don’t know where to begin?
• Your energy levels continue to decrease?
• Your body just doesn’t handle things the way it used to?
• You feel off and just don’t know what to do?

You feel like you're doing everything right...
But for some reason, it’s still not working. You’re moody, bloated, tired, and your metabolism seems to get slower with each passing year.
Hormones can be a daunting topic. You know things are changing – you’re probably even aware that hormones are involved – but you don’t understand how hormones work or what they do exactly.
That’s why I created Happy Hormones.
It’s the hormonal course that explains not only what hormones do, but how they control your body’s systems and processes (like your metabolism and blood sugar levels) and how to balance them so you age with grace.
Imagine if you knew and understood what was slowing your metabolism down.
You could take control of your hormones and understand what’s going on rather than feeling confused and more desperate with each birthday.
You uncover the sneaky culprits sabotaging your hormone production – some of the things you’re doing every day that you didn’t realize are contributing to hormonal imbalance.
Instead of feeling powerless you have a proper understanding, the tools, and plan of action to keep your hormones in balance now and as you age.
You understand your thyroid, you’re prepared for menopause, and you know what to do each day to maintain healthy hormone production.
Happy Hormones is a new way of looking at female hormones – one that explains…
Why every woman needs a better understanding of her hormones to thrive
The true impact hormonal imbalance has on a woman’s health (there’s more to it than most women realize)
The thing we do every day that has one of the biggest impacts on female hormone production
Dieting’s negative effect on hormone production (and what to do instead)
The answer to “Is fasting a good idea for hormone balance?”
What you should eat to fuel your hormones (and what to avoid)
The right amount of alcohol to maintain your balance
The most common misconceptions about hormones
How the thing often cited as an enemy is actually great for hormones
The 60-second practice you can do anywhere to improve your hormones
The role between your gut and your hormones: How a healthy gut does more than improve bowel function
How to improve thyroid function to manage your weight and improve your weight loss
How to manage, treat, and reduce the symptoms you might experience during menopause
How to thrive during menopause – realize it doesn’t need to be a scary topic

When it comes to the result of unbalanced hormones, you don’t just want to treat the symptoms.
You need an easy-to-follow solution to achieve hormonal harmony.
It’s time to eliminate the confusion and take control of your hormones.
The program that eliminates the confusion of hormones so you can improve your metabolism and age gracefully through each stage of life.
Happy Hormones is a 4-step course that distills the very best researched-backed, female-tested hormone-balancing techniques into specific, actional steps you can apply directly to your everyday life. It’s designed to help you quickly and permanently improve your hormonal expression so you can feel great.
Organized into 8 modules, each one covers everything you need to know to not only understand hormones, with Happy Hormones you’ll understand where your symptoms are coming from and what to do to balance your hormones so you’re symptoms are cleared up (not masked).

Module 1: What are Hormones
You’ll discover what hormones are in a fundamental way so you’ll be able to understand the profound effect they have on your health. You’ll become familiar with what hormones do and where they come from.
Module 2: Step 1
Here we’ll uncover the foundational component of balanced hormones, how you’re setting yourself up for failure by not prioritizing it, and how to improve it to lay the foundation for healthy hormones. It’s the ingredient that directly affects all hormone levels and production.
Module 3: Step 2
You’ll learn what to eat, what to limit, and what to avoid altogether to improve your hormonal balance. We’ll look at things like organic foods and whether they actually help your hormones according to science. We’ll unpack the dangers of trendy diets and improper fasting techniques to avoid that are throwing off your hormones.
Module 4: Questions and Misconceptions
There are many strongly held beliefs about hormones… like “you shouldn’t do X” or “you can’t do Y” otherwise your hormones will be thrown out of sorts! But when you ask WHY people can’t seem to provide an answer. We’ll uncover the common misconceptions that could actually be keeping your hormones unbalanced. Plus, we’ll answer some of your most common questions about hormones according to what the most comprehensive, up-to-date research says.
Module 5: Step 3
Some of the most simple things in life can have a great impact on your hormones – whether good or bad. In this module we’ll uncover those things and walk through my simple exercise to take control each day in order to create and maintain hormonal balance in the face of these things.
Module 6: Step 4
The final step to balancing your hormones requires you understand the connection between your gut and your hormones and knowing how to improve it. In this module I’ll walk you through that process.
BONUS Module: Thyroid Health
Whether you have an underactive thyroid, an overactive thyroid, or you’re just not sure, this bonus module will help you improve your thyroid function to better understand its role, manage your weight, and even improve your weight loss.
BONUS Module: Menopause
Whether you’re about to enter menopause, currently going through it, or on the other side, this bonus module is a deep dive into the three stages of menopause to provide the plan to help you thrive during and after menopause.
Start balancing your hormones today for just $249.

And if you’re thinking…
“But Kara, I’m getting older and my hormones continue to change.”
I’ve found that many women feel uninformed about their hormones. They know something is going on with their hormones, but they just aren’t sure what. Happy Hormones explains why women experience the symptoms they do, and provides a step-by-step approach to balance the hormones contributing to those symptoms rather than provide a spot treatment or try to mask the individual symptoms.
“Since having kids my hormones have been completely off – I don’t even know where to begin.”
Happy Hormones is the perfect place for you. I’ve designed this course to eliminate the confusion about female hormones and give you a plan to balance them now and keep them balanced into the future.
“Since going through menopause I haven’t been able to get control of my weight.”
Happy Hormones will explain why you may be experiencing weight gain or difficulty managing your weight. It’ll uncover the control you have in your pursuit to balance your hormones so you don’t feel like it’s out of your control.
“I have an overactive thyroid or an underactive thyroid.”
I created an entire bonus module that discusses the thyroid. I’m not going to pretend I have a magic wand that I can wave over you to make everything clear up in a snap. But I will explain what you can do to improve your thyroid function. When it comes to our hormones, we often have more control than we realize. It’s a matter of being equipped with the right tools and understanding.
When your hormones are happy your whole body will be happy.
Hormones are a fundamental part of a woman’s life – so it’s time to take control of them.
Why not arm yourself with the step-by-step plan to balance your hormones, so you can boost your metabolism, and feel your best?