What if you could eliminate inflammation in a matter of weeks?

Stuck to Thriving® shows you how to live pain-free, balance hormones, have lasting energy, and lose weight for good, using the food you get at the grocery store.


Do you suffer from chronic joint pain?

Are your hormones wreaking havoc on your energy levels and mood?

Are you tired of feeling constantly bloated?

Have you tried countless diets with no lasting results?

Stuck to Thriving® gets to the root of the problem – inflammation, and then provides a lasting solution.

Our Signature High-Fiber Philosophy®

Learn what your body needs to overcome inflammation. Know exactly what to eat to nourish your body all day long. Learn how nutrition works so you can eat in a simple way that’s so freeing.  

Group Coaching & 1:1 Support

There's nothing compared to getting 1:1 support in a group setting. You’ll work directly with Kara 1:1 on the call plus, learn from others and see transformations happen in real-time.


Step-by-Step Roadmap®

Get the clear step-by-step changes to make and what that means for you is, you can be confident knowing you’re making the right changes at the right time. Instead of changing too much too fast, leading you to quit, you’ll learn where to start, and then what to do next, so you create lasting habits. 


Email Support

Get email support for questions you have or feedback you want on your nutrition. This will get you quick wins and propel you to your goals faster. 

Master Your Mindset

Get the essential tools to master your mindset to take control of your environment, behavior, and mindset to create lasting change.  

How Kelley eliminated pain, lost 42 pounds, and saved her husband’s life (within months)


Busy mom of 7 kids with PCOS, balanced hormones, and lost over 20 pounds.

"Not once have I felt deprived. I was able to get rid of the diet mentality, my hormones are in check and I lost 20 lbs and 20 inches!! Not only did I lose the weight but I've kept the weight off for over a year now!! Even more important than all that, I found freedom!! Food doesn't control me and neither do my hormones.

My desire for sweets and carbs don’t control me. My weight doesn’t control me. I can eat a slice of cake for my child’s birthday and I don’t feel like I’m cheating or that I’m failing. I feel good. I know this is long-term. I know that I will continue to lose weight and get healthier and healthier."

– Amanda R.


If you're thinking...

"Kara, I've tried diets, detoxes, cleanses, etc. and they didn't work for me." 

When my dad flips a house with a broken foundation, he doesn’t try to fix it with a new coat of paint.

The faded paint and broken windows are a problem, but he has to start by repairing the foundation.

Anything else would be a temporary fix on an otherwise broken house.

The same goes with your health: You need to get to the root of the problem first.

Anything else is a temporary bandage.

Inflammation doesn’t go away on its own. And it gets worse with time.

But it sits at the heart of most health problems including joint pain, inability to lose weight, hormonal imbalance, low energy, and affects every organ and process in your body.

So, when we overcome inflammation, wonderful things happen: joint pain goes away, your metabolism works properly (i.e. your body naturally loses weight), energy increases, and hormones balance.

“I have lost 20 lbs and in addition, liver inflammation from earlier blood work results has significantly decreased and all my results are perfectly normal now!”

– Nicki K.

"I’ve struggled with inflammation and have had pain every day for years and nothing seemed to help and it put me in a wheelchair for about 6 months at one point— I worked with Kara and she showed me how to change my nutrition to decrease inflammation, give me energy, eliminate migraines, help me get off sleep medicine, AND I NO LONGER HAVE PAIN! This has been life-changing for me."

– Abba L.

“My bowels are regular and that is something I haven't had in 15 years. I'm no longer addicted or craving sugar. Learning how to eat and to never feel deprived has been a game changer for me. I no longer feel the need to ‘reward myself’ after a rough day."

– Kendra A.

Hi, I’m Kara.

I’m a nutritionist and inflammation expert. I’m also a mom of three, wife, and founder of Life Well Lived. 

I overcame years of living with chronic pain, the inability to lose weight, fatigue, and imbalanced hormones. And what that means for you is I know how to get to the root of your inflammation.

I’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of women across the world eliminate bloating, live pain free, balance hormones, and lose weight so they feel good in their own skin.

As a mom, wife, professional you’re busy and you have dreams you want to achieve. 

The answer isn’t another cheap solution that tries to spot treat your symptoms.

It’s time to get to the root of your problem so you can thrive!

Stuck to Thriving was created with you in mind.

Kara and her family

Myra lowered her cholesterol from 216 to 186 and improved her bloodwork.

"It was such a wonderful feeling to go for my annual physical this week and have my doctor say, 'You are EXACTLY where you need to be! Keep doing what you’re doing.'

My weight was down 8 pounds putting me at a perfectly healthy weight/BMI. My cholesterol went from 216 to 186 with my LDL (bad cholesterol) lower and my HDL (healthy) higher. My triglycerides were also lower. My blood pressure was perfect as well."

– Myra D.


Tonya, a personal trainer, overcame her 2-year plateau within 1 week of joining Stuck to Thriving.

"I spent about two years of “zoning” in on what I thought was right when it came to healthy eating, but I wasn’t getting the results I was longing for. Then I joined STT and within the few two weeks of the program, I was already feeling so much better, less inflammation, no more bloating, and I even began seeing the scale move down 1-2 pounds each week."

– Tonya M.

The Stuck to Thriving Guarantee

If you complete all of the trainings and implement the recommendations outlined in the program, and give it a good-faith effort, and you don't experience positive results within 90 days of the end of the program, I'll work with you until you do.

STEP 1: Sign Up

Enroll in the Stuck to Thriving today

STEP 2: Go From Stuck to Thriving

Get the step-by-step plan that seamlessly takes you from where you are to where you want to be

STEP 3: Transform Your Life

Get the step-by-step plan that seamlessly takes you from where you are to where you want to be


Nicole reduced her chiropractic care and overcame constant back pain!

“Since beginning STT 4 months ago, I've noticed clearer skin and I no longer feel controlled by food cravings. I feel free to enjoy a treat once in a while without feeling guilty for doing so! I've lost over 13 pounds so far and this is the longest amount of time I've been able to sustain weight loss. The biggest change for me is that I've seen a huge improvement in my back pain - I have so much less pain and stiffness! I'm able to get through the day without even noticing pain or worrying that my activities of daily living will cause pain now that I've been able to decrease inflammation through STT!”

– Nicole Kunze


Limited spots available – Enroll now to secure your place and start your transformation today.

Don’t wait – Take the first step toward a healthier, happier you. Join now!

Taylor lost 34 lbs and lowered her A1C, cholesterol, and blood pressure!
“I wanted freedom from strict calorie counting diets which I had been doing my entire life. Once I began working with Kara I realized that it was possible! I lost 34 lbs but more importantly my glucose levels, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure all improved. My A1C dropped 7 points!”

– Taylor K.

Melissa lost 10 lbs without even following everything perfectly!
"Kara has given me tools to explore food and my overall diet. The bonus (and let’s be honest a goal of mine) is that through the process I’ve lost 10 lbs so far without having to follow everything to a T. Giving myself grace is part of the process and the reason I’ve been successful thus far."

– Melissa M.

Nicole lost 17 pounds in 5 months!
"My weight dropped under 160 lbs. I haven’t been at a weight this low since before my first baby was born 10 years ago!!! So far I’m down 17 lbs from when I started STT 5 months ago. Weight loss wasn’t my only goal, but it feels good to not feel like I’m battling my weight anymore!"

– Nicole K.

Chris called it a miracle!
"This program has been a miracle for me. I have more energy, a clear mind, and my pain has gone from a 10 to a 1."

– Chris T.

Hannah dropped 2 pant sizes in 1 month!
"Went shopping and I discovered that I am now down TWO pant sizes. I haven't worn this size in 14 years. I need to keep going!"

– Hannah E.

Julie overcame her inflammation naturally!
"STT gave me great ways to fight back naturally the inflammation in my body. I love the way Kara impressed upon me the simplicity of eating healthy."

– Julie C.


Here are some frequently asked questions:

  • I wish we could tell you that Stuck to Thriving would absolutely "work," but I can't. There is no magical pill that will bring you to your health goals. YOU are the only one who gets to decide if it will work. If you're willing to take action, trust the process, and work through all the phases, you will get results (and quickly)! Just look what my clients are saying:

    “​​I am loving this whole process. I'm not tired and grabbing for caffeine at 3 in the afternoon. I don't have brain fog or bloating anymore. My bowels are regular and that is something I haven't had in 15 years. I'm no longer addicted or craving sugar. Learning how to eat and to never feel deprived has been a game changer for me. I no longer feel the need to "reward myself" after a rough day.”

    – Kendra A.

    "I lost over 6 inches with just eating healthy. I wasn’t able to exercise like I had hoped due to physical restrictions, but I still lost inches because I was fueling my body properly. If you are on the fence about joining, do it. It will be the best decision you can make for yourself and the health of your family!"

    – Christine S.

    “Kara has given me tools to explore food and my overall diet. The bonus (and let’s be honest a goal of mine) is that through the process I’ve lost 10 lbs so far without having to follow everything to a T. Giving myself grace is part of the process and the reason I’ve been successful thus far.”

    – Melissa M.

    “I have been yo-yo dieting for years. I wanted freedom from strict calorie counting diets which I had been doing my entire life. Once I began working with Kara I realized that it was possible! I lost 34 lbs but more importantly my glucose levels, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure all improved. My A1C dropped 12 points! I have a positive relationship with food and see it as fuel for my body. Kara helped me create new habits and encouraged me along the way. Kara is a force to be reckoned with as she is so supportive and motivating. If you have thought about working with Kara, do it! It will be one of the best decisions you make for yourself and your health.”

    – Taylor Krumm

    “She gave me great ways to fight back naturally the inflammation in my body. I love the way Kara impressed upon me the simplicity of eating healthy.”

    – Julie C.

    “I had two babies back to back and had gained 80 pounds and lost myself. I didn’t know how to eat healthy or take care of myself. Kara has changed all of that in one month. I have lost inches and pounds but most importantly I found myself again. I am so so happy to have found Kara. I feel incredible and not once did I ever feel deprived! This isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle change and it sticks!”

    – Victoria C.

    “Would highly recommend this program to anyone who desires a healthy lifestyle but feels as if there's no time to implement one. It's possible with Kara Swanson!”

    – Anna C.

    “I have now lost 42 pounds and my calcium and vitamin D levels that have been very low forever are now in the normal ranges! For the last 5 years I have had major swelling in my ankles. After following the program for 2-3 weeks my husband and I both noticed my ankles were no longer swollen at the end of the day even after sitting at a desk all day! I feel so much better! I have way more energy, I sleep better, my clothes are getting too big, I’m eating food I never thought I would and actually enjoy them, but the biggest change is that I no longer have any inflammation. Even after I eat a little real ice cream! This program is so easy and I get to eat the foods I love without feeling guilty or deprived.”

    – Kelley W.

    “A major “win” to report . . . . It was such a wonderful feeling to go for my annual physical this week and have my doctor say, “You are EXACTLY where you need to be! Keep doing what you’re doing.

    My weight was down 8 pounds putting me at a perfectly healthy weight/BMI. My cholesterol went from 216 to 186 with my LDL (bad cholesterol) lower and my HDL (healthy) higher. My triglycerides were also lower. My blood pressure was perfect as well. I’m so so grateful for this program and to Kara Swanson for her guidance and support.”

    – Myra D.

  • Believe it or not, there will never be a better time than right now. You will never feel ready.

    Either go for it now or don't go for it. Nothing good comes from waiting.

    Some of our most successful clients signed up while they were knee-deep raising 7 kids, working full time, moving, getting married, etc!

    Stuck to Thriving is designed in a way that allows you to go through the content at your own pace. It’s a step-by-step process so you aren’t changing everything at once, eliminating the overwhelm and ensuring you stay on track, which is one of the key reasons why women are so successful.

  • The truth is, when you choose to invest in Stuck to Thriving, you're deciding that you are no longer available to wait and wish and hope for the life of your dreams. You are choosing to be the hero of your story, instead of a victim. Right now, Stuck to Thriving is as cheap as it will ever be, and there is even an extended payment option. When you begin making decisions as if failure isn't an option, everything in your life will change.

  • I don’t but that’s actually one of the things the women in STT appreciate most. Because I won’t give up on you. I offer a WORK-WITH-YOU GUARANTEE. And that means I will work with you until you reach your results (that’s why you get lifetime access). Even if you reach a point where you want to give up, I won’t.

  • I always recommend you just start. Remember this is step-by-step so you can easily incorporate the first few steps into your day no matter what is going on.

    There’s a reason you’re looking at this right now. If you wait, you probably won’t ever start. You’ll continue putting it off hoping to find the “perfect time”.

  • In Stuck to Thriving I show the benefits of a high-fiber diet and how to easily incorporate this into your life so you get the maximum benefits ie. losing weight, decreasing inflammation, improving gut health, more energy, etc.

    I actually never tell you, “you can never have x,y,z again” that only makes you want it more! Instead, when you eat to nourish your body you’ll see amazing changes in what you want to eat. I’m all about balance and making this sustainable for you.

    This is real life and I take that into account so you can still see results and thrive without feeling deprived.

  • No! I don’t push a bunch of supplements that you have to purchase monthly. I show you how to nourish your body with foods you can buy at the grocery store (I shop at Aldi and Target if that tells you anything!). The only supplement we do recommend is taking turmeric daily because of its powerful benefits. You can choose to purchase ours if you’d like but it’s not required.

  • You have access to everything immediately so you can get started right away.


 A look inside the Stuck to Thriving community